Steve Schuster is an electrical engineer turned marketer who founded Rainier Communications in 1993 with a vision of being the world’s finest technology PR agency. He leads Rainier as the agency’s principal and CEO, drawing on his nearly four decades of industry experience marketing and designing thousands of technology products and services.
Steve’s motivation for Rainier is, “to tell the stories of human invention in the way they deserve to be told.” Supported by the agency’s unique Market Engineering Methodology™, Steve’s guiding principal for Rainier and for marketing in general is to create defensibly audacious narratives and communicate them with absolute credibility.
Internally, Steve relentlessly maintains an exceptional corporate culture of professional excellence, mutual respect and intentional kindness, conducting business with ethical and honest behavior toward clients, employees and vendor partners.
Steve has BSEE and MBA degrees from Northeastern University. He serves as mentor and advisor to numerous technology companies, regularly gives lectures on how to market technologies, and has been a contributing member of standards-committee working groups. Steve is a long-time vegan and animal justice activist, and a published and award-winning recording artist and photographer.
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
-Sir Arthur Charles Clarke