Our Clients

Technology Commerce Management - TCM

Technology Commerce Management

TCM delivers the e-commerce aggregator industry’s first predictive, AI-driven e-commerce performance optimization. Using a combination of big data, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), TCM identifies, qualifies, acquires and optimizes e-commerce businesses with the highest empirical probability of maximizing wealth creation and ROI for all stakeholders.

Technology: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Influencer Marketing

Target Market: E-commerce businesses

Value Add: Launched the company to create awareness for investors and in the e-commerce community.



ParallelM delivers the leading machine learning operationalization (MLOps) software for operationalizing machine learning and data science

Technology: DevOps, Machine Learning Opps

Target Market: Enterprise

Value Add: Rainier raised awareness for ParallelM in the machine learning operations space leading to ParallelM's successful exit.