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Codefresh Blog: New CNCF Survey Highlights GitOps Adoption Trends – 91% of Respondents Are Already Onboard

Codefresh Blog: New CNCF Survey Highlights GitOps Adoption Trends – 91% of Respondents Are Already Onboard

The new CNCF data demonstrates that there’s consensus agreement that GitOps best practices are here to stay, and there’s a shared commitment to seeing software delivery done right. One way to look at it is that we’re well past the evangelization stage. DevOps teams know they need GitOps and they know why.

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DevOps Digest: Codefresh Announces New Features Leveraging GitOps and Argo

Codefresh Announces New Features Leveraging GitOps and Argo

Codefresh has innovated a way to manage applications across environments for DevOps teams leveraging GitOps and Argo CD at scale. The new Codefresh capabilities combine automation and advanced features that radically simplify the management and visibility of flows and promotions for seamless, efficient software delivery optimized for GitOps best practices.

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SD Times: Codefresh releases new dashboard that provides more details on software development life cycle

Codefresh releases new dashboard that provides more details on software development life cycle

As businesses and DevOps teams grow, Argo CD instances split, and microservices multiply, managing the lifecycle of each application across environments becomes complex and arduous. The new Codefresh capabilities instill clarity and GitOps governance across hundreds of applications deploying to thousands of locations – with a unified, intuitive single-screen experience.

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Computer Weekly: New Git repository faces corporate open source doubts

New Git repository faces corporate open source doubts

Contributions to open-source communities and size of user community was one of the factors in the recent Forrester Wave report. The report placed [GitLab and CloudBees] in its "leaders" category, with Harness, AWS, Microsoft, Atlassian and Codefresh in the "strong performers" category.

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Forbes: How AI is Impacting DevOps

How AI is Impacting DevOps

Dan Garfield of Codefresh discusses some unique aspects of DevOps that make it uniquely adaptable to AI augmentation. There’s a huge opportunity for teams to dramatically improve their software delivery processes by leveraging AI to help them generate the automation that they're going to be using.

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Forbes: Why Your Company Should Invest in Hackathons

Why Your Company Should Invest in Hackathons

Dan Garfield of Codefresh discusses the core value that hackathons provide to your company: employee enrichment. Hackathons done right are worth every penny and ounce of energy your company invests in them.

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Forbes: Practical Advice For Organizing A Successful Open-Source Technical Certification Program

Practical Advice For Organizing A Successful Open-Source Technical Certification Program

There are some important elements that can not only make a workshop much more successful than the typical labs that we often see available in the open source community today, but also much more accessible.

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The New Stack: KubeCon: 14,000 More Engineers Have Their GitOps Basics Down

KubeCon: 14,000 More Engineers Have Their GitOps Basics Down

As GitOps grows in its ability to leverage DevOps practices via Infrastructure as Code, thousands of students get up to speed on GitOps fundamentals utilizing Codefresh’s GitOps for Argo CD certification course.

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Computer Weekly: Code-to-cloud: Codefresh democratises GitOps with Argo

Code-to-cloud: Codefresh democratises GitOps with Argo

Available in hosted, on-premises and hybrid deployment options for enterprise environments, Codefresh uses open source Argo in a code-to-cloud solution enabling visibility into CI/CD deployments. It provides an easy-to-use framework for implementing GitOps and a scalable solution for large teams targeting multi-cluster, multi-application deployments.

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TechCrunch: Codefresh Launches Its Hosted GitOps Solution

Codefresh Launches Its Hosted GitOps Solution

A hosted GitOps platform removes that barrier for users who want to change the way they are deploying while letting them keep their integration pipelines in place. And that, is very much in line with the company’s focus on integrating with third-party services to help its users deliver their software to customers.

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Electronic Design: What's the Difference Between the Enterprise and Consumer Metaverses

What's the Difference Between the Enterprise and Consumer Metaverses

The “enterprise metaverse”—the metaverse for commercial, industrial infrastructure, and manufacturing applications—will be far removed from the social, gaming, and entertainment ecosystem that many of us regard today as the “consumer metaverse,” where entities like Fortnite and Roblox have staked an early claim.

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SD Times: Codefresh Announces Hosted Version of GitOps Platform

Codefresh Announces Hosted Version of GitOps Platform

Codefresh has announced that its CD platform will be made available as a fully-hosted solution for GitOps teams looking to achieve frictionless, GitOps based continuous software delivery. This new hosted offering works to provide Argo CD as a Service and introduces new DORA dashboards and CI tool integrations.

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Auto Futures: How Digital Twins Can Help Speed Up Innovation In Automotive, Smart Cities, Defence & Manufacturing

How Digital Twins Can Help Speed Up Innovation In Automotive, Smart Cities, Defence & Manufacturing

In this special report, Auto Futures talks with leaders in the field, like Duality Robotics, to define digital twins, and learn how they can help speed up future innovation.

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Duality Robotics Blog: Digital Twin Simulation for Personalized Marketing

Duality Robotics Blog: Digital Twin Simulation for Personalized Marketing

Leveraging advanced digital twin simulation technology, Duality Robotics provides retailers with a personalized marketing solution to capture and hold consumers’ attention for as long as it takes to convert a momentary online interaction into a purchase.

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VentureBeat: How the metaverse will let you simulate everything

How the metaverse will let you simulate everything

Through technologies including VR, AR, and AI, the metaverse that futurists envision is an extension of the real world — albeit without the physical trappings. Some experts predict that the industrial metaverse will require IoT sensors to collect data from real-world devices, enabling companies to accurately model them in the digital world.

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SearchEnterpriseAI: How enterprises will use the still-undefined metaverse

How enterprises will use the still-undefined metaverse

In depth look at the unfolding metaverse and how Duality Robotics' Digital Twin technology enables the enterprise metaverse to solve real-world business challenges.

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DEVOPSdigest: Codefresh Software Delivery Platform Released

Codefresh Software Delivery Platform Released

Codefresh unveiled its flagship Codefresh Software Delivery Platform (CSDP), powered by Argo.

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SD Times: Codefresh Software Delivery Platform now generally available

Codefresh Software Delivery Platform now generally available

Codefresh launched the Codefresh Software Delivery Platform (CSDP), which brings the Argo toolset, including Workflows, Events, CD, and Rollouts, into a single platform.

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AiThority: Codefresh Launches the Codefresh Software Delivery Platform, the First and Only Enterprise Argo Platform for Deploying and Scaling Applications

Codefresh Launches the Codefresh Software Delivery Platform, the First and Only Enterprise Argo Platform for Deploying and Scaling Applications

Codefresh unveiled its flagship Codefresh Software Delivery Platform (CSDP), powered by Argo. CSDP opens true DevOps potential.

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VentureBeat: Codefresh hopes to deploy and scale apps with enterprise Argo platform

Codefresh hopes to deploy and scale apps with enterprise Argo platform

Codefresh's solution collects the complete open source Argo toolset into a single platform for enhanced efficiency of software deployments.

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iHLS: DARPA is Advancing UGV Simulation Platform

DARPA is Advancing UGV Simulation Platform

DARPA selects Duality Robotics to provide advanced environmental simulation technology to help bridge the gap from virtual to real-world environments through its Falcon platform for advanced digital twin simulation.

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VMblog: Codefresh Sees Argo Ascendant in 2022

Codefresh Sees Argo Ascendant in 2022

Enterprise-class tooling for Argo and GitOps best practices will enable faster software delivery and smoother, scalable DevOps automation in the year ahead.

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Intellyx: Codefresh: All In on Argo CD GitOps Continuous Delivery for Kubernetes

Codefresh: All In on Argo CD GitOps Continuous Delivery for Kubernetes

For its part, Codefresh as been a leading force driving the development of Argo CD, providing leadership for the Argo CD community as well as committer resources driving development of the product. Codefresh is now building out an enterprise version of Argo CD for organizations that require more advanced security and other enterprise-level capabilities.

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TFIR: With Argo and GitOps Ascending, Continuous Software Delivery Demands a Major Open Source Commitment

With Argo and GitOps Ascending, Continuous Software Delivery Demands a Major Open Source Commitment

The advent of microservices has afforded us tremendous agility in how we build and deploy cloud native software, and the open-source community’s focus on continuous improvement and innovation is manifesting in some really interesting ways.

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InfoWorld: Why Gitops isn’t ready for the mainstream (yet)

Why Gitops isn’t ready for the mainstream (yet)

For many organizations with ambitions to run cloud-native, Gitops is a smart way to manage software deployments. Codefresh is quoted.

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Business Insider: 46 enterprise tech startups to bet your career on in 2021

46 enterprise tech startups to bet your career on in 2021

Business Insider listed the 46 enterprise tech startups to bet your career on in 2021.

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TFiR News: Codefresh Runner Wins 2021 DEVIES Award

Codefresh Runner Wins 2021 DEVIES Award

Codefresh was recently honored with a 2021 DEVIES Award for its Codefresh Runner at the all-virtual DeveloperWeek expo and conference.

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DevOps.com: Codefresh Taps Dan Garfield as Chief Open Source Officer

Codefresh Taps Dan Garfield as Chief Open Source Officer, Strengthening Commitment to Open Source

Dan Garfield, who joined founder and CEO Raziel Tabib to launch Codefresh in 2016, has been promoted to Chief Open Source Officer.

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The New Stack: Codefresh Launches GitOps 2.0 as a GitOps Working Group Takes Flight

Codefresh Launches GitOps 2.0 as a GitOps Working Group Takes Flight

At this year’s KubeCon+CloudNativeCon North America, Codefresh announced its vision for a new evolution of GitOps, dubbed GitOps 2.0.

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SD Times: Amazon, Codefresh, GitHub, Microsoft, and Weaveworks launch the GitOps Working Group

Amazon, Codefresh, GitHub, Microsoft, and Weaveworks launch the GitOps Working Group

As the GitOps trend continues to take hold of the software development community, a group of technology companies are banding together to provide developers with the necessary skills.

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TFiR: Codefresh Launches GitOps 2.0

Codefresh Launches GitOps 2.0

Codefresh has launched a new initiative – GitOps 2.0 – which seeks to solve limitations that have existed in GitOps and promote best practices for the future.

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SiliconANGLE: Meet GitOps, the key to launching effective software releases in the cloud-native era

Meet GitOps, the key to launching effective software releases in the cloud-native era

The automation story behind DevOps centers on CI/CD, the continuous integration and continuous deployment that results in working code ready for production. Deployment isn’t the end of the process, however. Releasing code is the missing step — putting new software in front of customers and end-users while ensuring it meets the ongoing objectives of the business.

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TFiR: Codefresh Runner Fixes Kubernetes’ Performance Problem

Codefresh Runner Fixes Kubernetes’ Performance Problem

Codefresh recently launched Codefresh Runner, a flexible solution that allows engineers to selectively run pipelines on their own Kubernetes clusters, including private clusters that are behind the company firewall. It sounds great because there is no management overhead but what exactly is Codefresh Runner?

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TechStrongTV: Dan Garfield on TechStrongTV

Dan Garfield on TechStrongTV

Dan Garfield, chief technology evangelist at Codefresh, shares some interesting findings from a recently released State of DevOps survey conducted by Codefresh.

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Crunchbase: Codefresh Brings In $27M Series C Backed By Red Dot Capital

Codefresh Brings In $27M Series C Backed By Red Dot Capital

Interview with Codefresh CEO Raziel Tabib and Shasta Ventures Partner Issac Roth about $27M funding round.

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SiliconANGLE: Codefresh raises $27M to power DevOps software delivery with Kubernetes

Codefresh raises $27M to power DevOps software delivery with Kubernetes

Interview with Codefresh CEO Raziel Tabib and Shasta Ventures Partner Issac Roth about $27M funding round.

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Business Insider: Codefresh raised $27M to help developers release code faster

Codefresh just raised $27 million to help developers release code faster for apps that run on the Google-born cloud computing project Kubernetes

Interview with Codefresh CEO Raziel Tabib and Shasta Ventures Partner Issac Roth about $27M funding round.

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VMblog: Codefresh 2020 Predictions: DevOps Trends for 2020

Codefresh 2020 Predictions: DevOps Trends for 2020

The DevOps community has a lot to look forward to in 2020, especially as Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) tools make great gains. CI/CD software is the backbone of the modern DevOps environment and bridges the gap between development and operations teams by automating build, test, and deployment of applications. At Codefresh, we predict the following eight DevOps trends will take root in 2020.

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The Register: Codefresh to chuck 100 million reasons to develop open source at huddled dev masses

Codefresh to chuck 100 million reasons to develop open source at huddled dev masses

Kubecon 2019 CI/CD darling Codefresh took to the high seas of Kubecon to announce that it would be flinging $100m at the open-source ecosystem, as well as adding a free tier for its Kube-friendly pipeline tech.

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TechCrunch: GitHub gets a CI/CD service

GitHub gets a CI/CD service

Microsoft’s GitHub today launched the beta of a new version of GitHub Actions with full continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) capabilities built right into the service. General availability is planned for November 13. The company also today announced that it now has more than 40 million developers on its platform.

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App Developer Magazine: How to deliver software faster

How to deliver software faster

Data from a new survey by Codefresh exposed the relentless pressure, with 32 percent reporting they were not using any CI/CD tools at all, and about 60 percent agreeing that their organizations are “not using the right amount of automation to enable individual developers to increase velocity, including DevOps, Dan Garfield, Chief Technology Evangelist for Codefresh recently answered some questions for us about the survey and the over-arching theme of code delivery.

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HelpNetSecurity: Engineering Teams are struggling because they’re missing the right automation

Engineering Teams are struggling because they're missing the right automation

Data from a new survey by Codefresh exposes the relentless pressure, with 32 percent reporting they were not using any CI/CD tools at all, and about 60 percent agreeing that their organizations are "not using the right amount of automation to enable individual developers to increase velocity."

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The New Stack: AzureDevOps Collaborative Remote Debugging with OzCode

AzureDevOps Collaborative Remote Debugging with OzCode

The rise of microservices and containers, cloud-hosted CI/CD systems and serverless platforms give developers more opportunities to build rich and powerful services. But debugging those services is becoming increasingly complicated, and as deployment frequency goes up the mean time to recovery from problems tends to go up. Part of that is the complexity of the environment and the time it takes to deploy a developer environment that accurately mimics the production environment.

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siliconANGLE: Codefresh looks to make Kubernetes orchestration easier for enterprises

Codefresh looks to make Kubernetes orchestration easier for enterprises

Fresh off an $8 million funding round led by Microsoft Corp.’s venture capital arm, Israeli startup Codefresh Inc. today released an enterprise version of its namesake software for managing continuous integration and development on the Kubernetes container orchestration platform.

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TechCrunch: Codefresh raises $8M Series B round for its container-centric CI/CD platform

Codefresh raises $8M Series B round for its container-centric CI/CD platform

Codefresh, a continuous integration and delivery platform built for the Kubernetes container ecosystem, today announced that it has raised an $8 million Series B round led by M12, Microsoft’s venture fund. Viola Ventures, Hillsven and CEIF also participated in this round, which brings the company’s total funding to $15.1 million.

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sdxCentral: Codefresh Kubernetes-Native CI/CD Platform Lures Microsoft Cash

Codefresh Kubernetes-Native CI/CD Platform Lures Microsoft Cash

Codefresh, which offers a Kubernetes-native continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform, more than doubled its total funding haul through an $8 million Series B. The round was notably led by Microsoft’s M12 venture fund.