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Gooee and ams drive sensor-based connected lighting technology (UPDATED)
Connected and adaptive smart lighting systems are clearly the future of the solid-state lighting (SSL) space and the key to both better lighting and additional gains in energy efficiency beyond what LEDs afford. Recent activity at Strategies in Light (SIL) in Las Vegas, NV and Smart Lighting Controls Europe in London shows how two enabling-technology suppliers hope to assist lighting manufacturers with entering the smart lighting space.
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Integrating the Internet of Awareness into our smart SSL systems (MAGAZINE)
The phrase "Internet of Things" (IoT) is being used so often that it would be easy to write it off as simply the latest buzzword for objects with Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. While the age of ubiquitous Internet-connected toasters is not quite upon us, the next era of device interconnectivity certainly is here now, and the coming growth of "connectedness" is undeniable.