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Cities looking to get smart take a lesson from an iconic shopping mall
It’s a small world, after all — at least when it comes to leveraging technologies to create a smarter community experience. From Disney World to the Mall of America, public venues are turning out to be microcosms for smart city projects. Cities and towns looking to up their infrastructure game can extrapolate from the experience of major sports stadiums, for example, as demonstrations of what happens when you offer free Wi-Fi to 70,000 people. And metropolitan areas can learn from shopping hubs that have installed Bluetooth to pinpoint consumers.
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Indoor-positioning technology helps save workplace time and energy
Using technology to improve the workplace environment is not a new concept, but the reasons, the goals and technology itself constantly change. Today, the focus is employee-centric, and companies seek smart solutions that are intuitive and that make sense financially.
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Gathering Workplace Data? As Easy As IPS
In the quest for a more productive workplace environment, establishing a ground truth is key to guiding the evolution of office spaces. Understanding what works is as important as knowing what doesn’t. Answering those questions effectively and efficiently is key. In conversations with commercial real estate and facilities management professionals over the last year, I’ve asked the question about what works every time and heard as many different answers as the number of people I’ve queried. Self-reported employee surveys, manual pen-and-paper observations, and room booking history are some of the more common ways for understanding how a particular corporate office is being used.
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Indoor positioning systems guide customers into better shopping experiences
The ability to guide customers in a shopping center through their smartphones became possible for mall owners in 2012. Now the infrastructure is expanding into a growing number of major malls and is being tested by big retailers, all to increase customer convenience and gain greater customer insights. StepInside uses location services on mobile devices to enable real-time integration with a mall or a store’s smartphone app, connecting visitors with special retail offers and information about mall events.