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KLA Advance Blog: KLA’s Frontline Cloud Services Sharply Reduces DFM Analysis Time
Frontline Cloud Services improves the DFM process with the cloud delivering almost infinite computational power on demand, which helps companies analyze more DFM checklists both serially and in parallel.
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Auto free-form display ups and downs
Orbotech authors discuss the automotive market, which presents one of the greatest opportunities for free-form displays by allowing panel and automotive designers to use much more than square corners and straight lines.
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Device Makers Seek Etching, Printing Innovation
EE Times discusses how Orbotech is addressing efficiency for electronics companies with a focus on enabling high quality, high yield, and cost-effective mass production of ultra-thin flexible printed circuits (FPCs).
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On a roll: New manufacturing processes inspired by flex
Meny Gantz of Orbotech discusses how the market demand for highly innovative circuits has roll-to-roll (R2R) manufacturing emerging as a truly effective means for printing FPCs in high volumes, with minimum handling damage, with high yield, and at high speeds.
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Industry 4.0 Drives New Perspective on PCB Manufacturing
“PCB users and AI systems want to know everything they can about every PCB coming off the production line. New advanced traceability techniques associated with process control and visualization capabilities can tell them a lot."
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PCB factories embrace AI
The evolution of PCBs from large and antiquated “printed wiring boards” to today’s fine-line designs on high-density interconnect PCBs, IC substrates and more, has been matched by manufacturing processes that have evolved from manual assembly to highly automated production. As manufacturing technology further develops, processes become more complex and more sophisticated, including the ability to inspect and then shape defects that would once have resulted in scrapped panels. A significant opportunity is now emerging for the PCB manufacturing industry to capitalize on artificial intelligence (AI) and optimize production processes and, ultimately, the entire PCB manufacturing facility.
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Could 3D Printing Disrupt the Electronics Industry?
More companies and universities are integrating 3D printing with their electronic design. The non-traditional process was well-received as it moved from the aerospace to automotive to medical industries. Electronics could be next on the list to benefit from 3D printing, according to Ernst and Young. Today, many people say we will never 3D-print phones and other complex, multi-material products. However, with so many companies pushing to develop a magical all-encompassing printer, will we see electronics being manufactured with 3D printing?
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3D Printing Spotlight On: Hila Elimelech, Vice President of Materials, Nano Dimension
Israel-based Nano Dimension is seeking to change the way things are made, with their flagship DragonFly 2020 3D printer catching attention from many quarters for its ability to 3D print electronics including printed circuit boards (PCBs).
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PHYTEC enjoys reduction in time and cost with Nano Dimension DragonFly 2020 3D printer
In November 2016, Nano Dimension Technologies delivered a beta DragonFly 2020 to its third customer: PHYTEC, a German microprocessor solutions provider. The deal came about as PHYTEC tackled an increasing demand for prototypes from its customer base. PHYTEC needed a solution which could reduce development time, while maintaining the quality of its products and service. It decided to take on Nano Dimension’s flagship 3D printing technology, and today is publishing the results.
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Lights-out digital manufacturing delivers first 3D printed electronics
Additive electronics provider Nano Dimension Ltd. has unveiled its new DragonFly Lights-Out Digital Manufacturing (LDM) printing technology, which the company presents as the industry’s only comprehensive additive manufacturing platform for round-the-clock 3D printing of electronic circuitry. The initial deployment took place at the Munich premises of sensor and defense electronics provider Hensoldt.
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Nano Dimension introduced low-volume, continuous additive manufacturing system for electronics production
Additively manufacturing functional circuits round-the-clock with little or no operator intervention is possible with the new DragonFly LDM precision additive manufacturing system from Nano Dimension. This 3D printer will build electronic components such as multilayer Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs), antennas, sensors and so on, round-the-clock, enabling Nano Dimension to shift from developing prototyping printers to systems that handle one-off prototypes as well as low-volume manufacturing of printed electronics.
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INTERVIEW: Nano Dimension CEO Amit Dror on the launch of the 24 hour DragonFly LDM 3D printer
Designed for 24 hour electronics production, the DragonFly LDM (standing for Lights-Out Digital Manufacturing) is a new 3D printer and DragonFly Pro upgrade from Israeli 3D printed electronics company Nano Dimension. Hinted at in a corporate update earlier this month, the machine was launched today through the company’s global sales channel and requires minimal operator intervention, representing a significant advance for 3D printed electronics.
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Summer School for Buyers: HDI & Auto Design
Today’s automotive industry is changing at an incredibly fast pace, moving from combustion engine-based designs with human drivers to driverless, electronics-based systems. This automotive transformation presents some clear electronic design challenges in the inevitable shift toward the design and production of semi- and fully autonomous vehicles.
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The evolution of industry 4.0, through the eyes of the PCB manufacturer
Industry 4.0—known to some as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) or smart factory—promises to transform the manufacturing and production infrastructure in profound ways. Its name derives from its potential to usher in the fourth industrial revolution—a bold objective when one considers the magnitude of the revolutions in steam power, assembly-line production, and computer automation that preceded it.
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Five 3-D printing breakthroughs everyone needs to know about
The world of 3-D printing is changing fast. New materials are announced and new systems are proposed almost every month. And as with any fast-growing technology, there is a lot of hype. When something is announced it will get a lot of press and attention, but what do you really need to know to follow the industry? Below are five recent events that anyone that uses or follows additive manufacturing should know about. They impact not only the technology, but also the business side of the industry.
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3D Printed Circuit Boards: First PCB 3D Printers Available Soon
For makers, 3D printed circuit boards are no longer a mere dream. 3D printers, which can do DIY PCB printing, will become commercially available soon. The making of DIY circuit boards is a complex task. First, you’ll have to plan the PCB, make a 2D print of the layout, cut a copper plate, transfer the PCB layout to the copper plate, iron the circuit, go through the process of etching, cleaning, disposing… and after some hours of manual labor, you should be ready.