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Hiding In Plain Sight; One Company Has its Hands in Almost All of Our Products
If you’ve been following 3D printing news at all, it’s likely you know at least a little bit about the If you were told that there is a high-tech company that can boast, “virtually every electronic device in the world is produced using our technology,” who would you think of first? Are we talking about a chip company like Intel, Microchip, Freescale, or Toshiba? Surely they’re not in every device in the world. Maybe it’s a software company like Microsoft or Google’s Android? They’re popular, yes, but not that widespread. I know – maybe they’re talking about the Free Software Foundation or a group like the IEEE? It’s conceivable that their standards or technology appears in “virtually every electronic device” in the world. Nope. The right answer is Orbotech, an Israeli company that does make chips and software, but only as a sideline.