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Forbes: Creating A Greener Future In Photovoltaic Manufacturing

Creating A Greener Future In Photovoltaic Manufacturing

In a Forbes Business Council post, NexWafe CEO Davor Sutija shares transformative insights on revolutionizing photovoltaic manufacturing. Key highlights include policy-driven growth, tackling carbon debt, setting new standards and making informed choices.

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Chip Scale Review: Packaging innovation drives inspection requirements for automotive apps and more

Packaging innovation drives inspection requirements for automotive apps and more

The chip packaging challenges that emerged in the development of segments like mobile and high-performance computing (HPC) were complex, but the solutions developed so far are proving to be valuable to the evolution of chip packaging for the automotive domain as well—and this is no coincidence, according to KLA.

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3D InCites Podcast: Member Spotlight: What Happened at ECTC 2023

Member Spotlight: What Happened at ECTC 2023

In this 3D InCites podcast, Dave Thomas of SPTS/KLA (at 35:47 mins) shares his thoughts on the ECTC 2023 conference in discussion with Francoise von Trapp of 3D InCites.

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3D InCites: Plasma Dicing Enables Challenging Applications Including D2W Hybrid Bonding

Plasma Dicing Enables Challenging Applications Including D2W Hybrid Bonding

According to Richard Barnett of SPTS/KLA, as semiconductor content proliferates across networks and devices, there’s a growing demand for increased semiconductor functionality packed into smaller, thinner, and stronger packages. Plasma dicing offers an optimized approach to die singulation as chips get smaller, thinner, and more complex and this challenge invites a fresh look at die singulation methods.

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KLA Advance Blog: New KLA Manufacturing Plant in South Korea Drives Innovation in Flat Panel Displays

KLA Advance Blog: New KLA Manufacturing Plant in South Korea Drives Innovation in Flat Panel Displays

As flat panel display (FPD) technologies continue to advance, KLA unveiled its first manufacturing facility in South Korea to better serve strategic customers in the Asia-Pacific region. The new plant in Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do will align the production of KLA’s automated optical inspection (AOI) systems with South Korea’s premier FPD fabricators’ immediate needs for high-speed, high-precision inspection solutions that enhance yield and reduce waste.   

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Electronic Design: MicroLED Poised to Disrupt the Displays Market

MicroLED Poised to Disrupt the Displays Market

KLA Corp.’s senior principal scientist John C. Robinson answers burgeoning questions regarding the fast-rising microLED technology.

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KLA Advance Blog: KLA Celebrates the 75th Anniversary of the Transistor

KLA Advance Blog: KLA Celebrates the 75th Anniversary of the Transistor

Semiconductors chips – the heart of our modern electronic devices – are built atop a technology first introduced 75 years ago today: the transistor. In concert with our peers throughout the technology industry – including IEEE and the Electron Devices Society – KLA celebrates the innovation of John Bardeen and Walter Brattain whose lab demonstration of a point-contact transistor on Dec. 16, 1947, changed the course of modern electronics. 

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KLA Advance Blog: New Orbotech Corus Offers Double-Sided Imaging for High-Density Interconnect PCBs and IC Substrates

KLA Advance Blog: New Orbotech Corus Offers Double-Sided Imaging for High-Density Interconnect PCBs and IC Substrates

The new Orbotech Corus 8M direct imaging (DI) system is the first solution built on KLA’s all-in-one revolutionary Orbotech Corus platform, combining optimized resolution, accuracy and efficiency for PCB manufacturers designing smaller, thinner devices for OEMs that pack ever-increasing functionality into increasingly small enclosures for high-end applications.

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KLA Advance Blog: Achieve ‘Zero Tolerance’ Die Sorting with ICOS™ F260

KLA Advance Blog: Achieve ‘Zero Tolerance’ Die Sorting with ICOS™ F260

KLA’s new ICOS™ F260 system addresses zero tolerance by delivering inspection and workflow enhancements on a platform that’s been redesigned from the ground up to deliver industry-leading accuracy and greater overall throughput to support high-volume manufacturing. The ICOS F260 offers the fully automated ability to detect both internal and superficial chip defects with extremely low overkill and underkill rates to help optimize yield.

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DigiTimes Asia: Up and coming miniLED: Production opportunities and challenges

Up and coming miniLED: Production opportunities and challenges

KLA/Orbotech's Michal Itzik looks at the benefits of miniLED, why white is the preferred solder mask, and the resulting manufacturing challenges.

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KLA Advance Blog: KLA’s Frontline Cloud Services Sharply Reduces DFM Analysis Time

KLA Advance Blog: KLA’s Frontline Cloud Services Sharply Reduces DFM Analysis Time

Frontline Cloud Services improves the DFM process with the cloud delivering almost infinite computational power on demand, which helps companies analyze more DFM checklists both serially and in parallel.

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FierceElectronics: Manufacturing advances solve free-form display design challenges

Manufacturing advances solve free-form display design challenges

Orbotech FPD experts discuss leveraging new manufacturing inspection and testing advances that enable designers to include features, such as cameras and sensors, in free-form display designs.

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Evaluation Engineering: On a roll: New manufacturing processes inspired by flex

On a roll: New manufacturing processes inspired by flex

Meny Gantz of Orbotech discusses how the market demand for highly innovative circuits has roll-to-roll (R2R) manufacturing emerging as a truly effective means for printing FPCs in high volumes, with minimum handling damage, with high yield, and at high speeds.

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EE Times: Industry 4.0 Drives New Perspective on PCB Manufacturing

Industry 4.0 Drives New Perspective on PCB Manufacturing

“PCB users and AI systems want to know everything they can about every PCB coming off the production line. New advanced traceability techniques associated with process control and visualization capabilities can tell them a lot."

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EDN: PCB factories embrace AI

PCB factories embrace AI

The evolution of PCBs from large and antiquated “printed wiring boards” to today’s fine-line designs on high-density interconnect PCBs, IC substrates and more, has been matched by manufacturing processes that have evolved from manual assembly to highly automated production. As manufacturing technology further develops, processes become more complex and more sophisticated, including the ability to inspect and then shape defects that would once have resulted in scrapped panels. A significant opportunity is now emerging for the PCB manufacturing industry to capitalize on artificial intelligence (AI) and optimize production processes and, ultimately, the entire PCB manufacturing facility.