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The Struggle to Shrink System Size: Innovative Technologies Driving the Next Generation of Mobile Devices
Consumer electronics designers and manufacturers are in a constant balancing act to stay competitive with the addition of new innovative functionality while maintaining high yields at a competitive cost. Whether they’re smartphones or wearables, IoT devices or automotive electronics, there inevitably comes a point in the design process where designers just can’t cram any additional components or circuitry into the device without adding undesirable bulk or cost. Try as they might, they’ve reached the limit. Or have they?
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Display Inspection: Flexible OLED displays drive market disruption, manufacturing innovation
Consumer electronics manufacturers reside between a rock and a hard place. They must continuously innovate in order to compete in the mass market, yet they’re tightly constrained by unrelenting cost pressures. The recent emergence of flexible OLED displays is a prime example of a cutting-edge technology that electronics manufacturers must pursue to maintain market relevance—but producing these displays is expensive, and the number-one reason for this is yield.